Question: 1 / 340

What does the anterior drawer test assess in an ankle injury?

Stability of the medial ligament complex

Stability of the lateral ligament complex

The anterior drawer test is specifically designed to evaluate the stability of the lateral ligament complex of the ankle, particularly the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL). This test is commonly performed in cases of suspected ankle sprains, especially those that result from an inversion injury, where the foot is rolled inward.

During the test, the patient is positioned with their knee flexed and the foot in a slight plantarflexion. The examiner stabilizes the tibia and fibula while pulling the heel forward to assess the amount of anterior translation of the talus in relation to the tibia. Increased movement or a "soft" end feel compared to the opposite ankle indicates potential instability or injury to the lateral ligament complex, primarily due to laxity or damage to the ATFL.

The other options are less relevant to the anterior drawer test. For instance, assessing the range of motion does not specifically focus on stability and is evaluated through different methods. Similarly, the stability of the medial ligament complex involves different stress tests like the talar tilt test, while a fracture of the fibula would typically require imaging to diagnose rather than a functional stability assessment like the anterior drawer test.

Fracture of the fibula

Assess the range of motion


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